Helping the family, and oneself. 
I would just like to touch on the importance of being Positive, and Happy. I know that sometimes life may be hard, but we must remember that It's not what happens to us in life, but its how we react to life that matters. If we decidscide now to think positively about others and our ownselves it can make a huge difference. Also we must life others up around us, and be that good example and let others know how important and loved they are. Family and friends let them know that they are special and have great potential.  
Some ideas to help one think positively is posting inspirational quotes, and things you love about yourself on posits on the mirror so you can see these an read them to yourself as you look in the mirror. With time I hope you believe the positive things that you right about yourself, and know how great you are. 
Just like this one pink post it. Remember to be different and be you. Be a pink post it in a sea of yellow ones. Be you and "be your own kind of beautiful" (unknown)

This last week my Grandma had a heat attack. She is only 66 years old, and however she has been living with some health problems for a while. I have never heard my Grandma complain, and she always is so happy. My Grandma went into code blue, and she was on life support there for a couple days. We were not sure what was going to happen to her, and we would often pray and ask that the Lords will be done, and that whatever happens that it was best for My Grandma. 

Thankfully my Grandma has gotten better and isn't on the life support now, however she is still having hard time breathing and she is still recuperating form everything. She does still have her mind though, and that was such a blessing. After they took the ventilator out she was able to say our names, however her throat is still very sore, and she still has a ways to come 

I am so thankful for this trial in my life, and I am so thankful for the Opportunity I had to talk to my Grandma again. I was able to tell her how much I love her. Another thing I am thankful for is that it has brought our family closer. I will keep everyone posted about my grandma I hope every one remembers to cherish there family. Not just around the Holidays, but always. 

Happy Thanksgiving!! 

This photo is a photo of my Dad. He truly is a great man and such a hard worker. Even when life throws him trials he still does all he can to provide and for his family. I love my Dad so much, and I am so very thankful for all he does for all of his kids.

The Importance of a Fathers! They should be a provider a protector, and a friend to their children, and their wife. The Lord  commands men to cleave unto their wife's. I know I am only 21 and still living the fun single college life. However I have been learning about the importance of finding a good future Husband, and not settling. Making sure that he can provide for me, and that he will work hard and be a good dad for my future kids. 

There was a video I found that shows a father cheering with his daughter. I posted the link it's so cute I hope everyone watches it, and that it can remind Fathers everywhere to be there for their children, and be involved with them.  _

Be Thankful 
Happy Thanks Giving! This thanksgiving was a hard one for my whole family. My Grandma had a heart attack, and it has kinda of been an emotional Roller Coster ride. The doctors were able to bring her back to life, and she was on life support there for a while. She came to and we were able to tell her we love her and talk to her agin. However her health turned again, and we are not sure what may happen. 
My Grandma loves the Holidays, and we dedicated this Turkey day to her. She was such a great cook, and always so Happy. She has lived with a lot of pain, the last few years, and she has a lot of health problems. However I never did hear her complain, and you could always see her smiling. 
In this time of hardship we as a family did what grandam would do. We put on a smile and cooked a fabulous dinner. We then went around the table before we ate and said things we loved about our  grandma.  We are all truly blessed and we need to remember how may blessings are in our lives. We must be thankful and find the positive in life all the time. 
I have learned from reading some of Elder Oaks talks lately that we really need to trust not only in the will of the Lord but in his timing. 
This includes with marriage some may be wondering where is my eternal companion. But we must just focus on loving the Lord, and trust him. This is harder then we think we just need to be faithful, and prepare ourselves for when we do have a family. We must do our best to be more like him and grow in every way possible. 
If we serve others and our God we can do great things we can learn many things during the single times in our lives. We really should learn, grow, and have fun during this time. We need to be happy, and enjoy ourselves. i also strongly encourage praying and asking the Lord what he would have us do. come unto god, and ask what his will for us is. 
 (His will be done for his ways are righteousness forever) 2 Nephi chapter 1
I want to work on my prayers now so I can create good habits when I am married 
i want to talk to my husband about what we need to do as a family. What we will do for holidays. I want to feel like I can talk to him, and I want him to feel that he can confide in me as well. 
just like we are commanded to cleave unto. I hope that if I do have problems or if we fight we can work it out. that i wont go crying to my parents once i am married i should keep my problems with my husband between me and my husband 
However when it comes to choosing my husband I should really keep my parents thoughts in mind as well. They know a lot, and I need to make sure that I listen to them. 
Not only should I talk to my eatery parents but my heavenly Parents as well. I really need to make sure I involve my Heavenly Father in my life as well. 

Greatly tempted to do many evil things of the world. Don't be self centered in life truly natural man is the enemy of god. 
How can we be more cheerful, and polite genuine concern for others people. Be patient with family and friends humble and submissive to the Lord. How to be more positive and bring more energy into lives. How to improve our relation ship with heavenly father and Christ. 
develop our own celestial peace. Nourishment from the lord the key and a promise. 
i leave these things with you to ponder. Commandment ye shall call upon me while I,m near. Draw near unto me... i Draw near unto you. 
3 daily principals 
1. personal morning deco 
2. scriptures 
3. purify life through the savior 
(Personal morning devotional) Seek or find a place were communication can happen, and not be disturbed. 
Simple things get up early wash body new close subdue spriti before father then wait for inspiration
25 min earlier then i do know. wash shave and get ready. get dressed. find a peaceful place and go there. nil before the father call upon his holy name through the name of the savior. express gratitude of heart to your heavenly Father. morning devotional. life will be changed. start the morning out right. tell you that heavenly father loves us. i am a child of god my father loves me. please call on heavenly father and talk to him reveretnly. 
2. Immerse yourself in the scriptures. 
know the only true God and Jesus Christ 
Christ is the Bread of Life. live forever 
7 or 8 min reading the words of light. Iron rod the word of God. Read book of mormon and other scriptures know the righteous form the wicked. 
Tonight was  a interesting night. I went and had dinner with my friend and her husband. It was so cute she cooked dinner for him and it was all ready when he got home she is expecting a baby here in january. It was fun to catch up and get some marriage advice form her. 
on the topic of putting others first it was so cute though she went to the store, and bought him some brownie mix. She almost got the wrong brand he likes a certain box. However it really struck met. That is what it really about putting someone else's needs before your own. Even something as simple as a box of brownies. She was still thinking of her husband. 
When was the last time that you have sat down an actually talked with your grandparents? well i am blessed to have a close relationship with mine. I am really close with my grandpa, but I could do better to call my grandma that lives in St George Utah. Someone once told me a story that reminded me of this. 
With the story the lady said that when it came to her grand kids she wanted to hear form them, but she figured that they have there own life. The story continues on that The Lord is the same. He wants to hear from us as well. It is our job to get down on our knees and tell him about our day. 

I need to remember this I have a father in heaven who loves me unconditionally and he wants to hear from me. I just need to communicate with him. I am going to apply this to my family now. I know its important to venture out and start my own life, but I need to talk to my Grandparents as well. 
He loves me! he loves me not! Who doesn't remember doing this when they where younger.  Come on Ladies I think we all remember picking the pedals off of flowers when we were younger. We believed that the flower could help us  find out if our crush loved us or not. Well it turns out that as we grew up we figured out that there is more to this decision making then just plucking some peddles of  a flower. 

The proclamation to the family  states that marriage is to be ordained between a man and a women is ordained of God, and that marriage between a man and women is essential to His eternal plan. 

If marriage is so essential to the Lords plan of happiness I really think that it should be taken into serious consideration. We shouldn't just sit around waiting for mr right to come a long eater we our selves need to grow, and seek out potential parterres with the same high standers as us, and goals.
President Gordon B. Hinckley said, "This will be the most important decision of your life, the individual who you marry." The difficulty for many single adults is how to do it! 

    Chelsea Lott

    Hey Everyone like it says up at the top my name is Chelsea. I'm a junior attending BYU-I,Im  from IdahoFalls. I love doing anything especially if it's done outside. I like to go Fishing, camping, snowmobiling, dirt biking. You name it, and Im game to do it. I Love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and also love my family very much! They mean the world to me don't know where I would be without them.  


    December 2013
    November 2013
    October 2013

