Start now. What can I do know to prepare for my future. I want be ready for when i have a family what a better time then now. I don't have to many worries. I should really turn my heart unto the Lord. 
When it comes to my future family I need to have it centered on the Teachings of Christ. How can i do this if right now I am not doing all i can to put God first. 
i want to take the time now to prepare for my future. I am so blessed, and i need to remember this. 
"In family relationships love is really spelled time."
President Uchtdorf
Marriage is essential to Gods eternal plan. now  is the time to prepare. 
know is the time for me to become what the lord wants me to be.
waiting until then at this time in my life i need to be patience. i will bet married but right now is the time for me to prepare. I need to put the Lord first. 
I must give my will to the Lord, and be a witness of chirst. This change in our heart. 
express our gratitude to the savior 
not a song of notes but it is a song of feelings. I must always remember how the savior has been there in my life. I must rejoice in the atonement right now. 
My heart needs to be right. a song in our heart allow truth to find us. 
We can't make it on our own we need the Lords help. 
This thought has been in my head for the last couple days. i have been learning about positive thinking, and basically in a nut shell you are what you tell yourself. the best think to do is tell yourself positive things like as follows 
I am beautiful 
I am a hard worker 
I am great 
I am worthy of love 
 Basically whatever else you want to say that is positive about yourself that is. As I continued with my thoughts i started thinking about the gospel since of this. "The Great I Am" this is Christ, and we are his bothers, and sisters on this earth. I think this is something that i need to remember I am important, and loved. I am a daughter of a king. 

Today for a class we read an article called "What Manner of men and Women Ought Ye to Be?"  
The article also talked about how the Savior invites us to be as he his. in order to do this we must follow his example. Setting righteous goals is one way of doing this. 
work is involved in this as well to be more like Christ work is involved as well.  
 I had this assignment for my religion class we were assigned to read four talks given by President Eyering. However one of his talks really stood out to me. its like Our Perfect Example. Some key points that I got form his talk are as follows. 
  • Prayer 
  • Love one another
  • The family 
  • Choose happiness/Keep commandments  

I really liked how he explained that the family unit is the ideal setting for us to learn to love as God does. We will learn to put others need before our own. I think this was just an amazing talk, and everyone should read it.  i could probably feel up this whole page with notes I took form this talk. i put the link at the bottom of this paragraph if anyone else wants to read it!
In conclusion I just love how all of my classes seem to come together. It is so great. Even thought they are all different classes everything seems to come together in the end and I can relate them to each other. I'm really growing to love learning each day more, and more. 

Well 1:00 in the morning, and I am still up. Why one may ask?? well homework that is why! today was a very eventful day. Work was great, but long. I reallly love my job. I work at rexburg motor sports. today i was suppose to get off at 2 but the other girl never showed up, this could be frustrating, because i had a meeting to go to,a nd a few other things to get done. However I decided to find the good. I got more hours so that means more money $$$ yes! Life usually works out as long as we do whats right. 
Continuing on with this I  just need to keep putting the lord first. 
These are some of the things I need to get done tomorrow just so I don't forget. 
Todays to do list 
1. finical aid office. 
2. exercise 
3. class 
4. grocery store
5. bishop to give tithing 
6. meetings for class 
7. more homework 
8. pray, and read scriptures

This morning in my motivation management class we learned something that really stood out to me. We were learning about the effect of competition on children. My teacher shared this quote with us. "The only people who like competition are those who have a chance at success." This really surprised me I guess I never thought of competition as a bad thing but it really can down grade a child. 
Hollands talk! 

Don't Ever lose sight about what is important!! 

I originally wanted to post this on Sunday the 13 of October 
What do we see when we look at others?
President Monson shared this story about a  lady who every morning would complain about a neighbor of hers. She would say someone needs to teach her how to wash her laundry. Then one morning before breakfast the women went down stairs to the kitchen, and looked out the window and explained oh good she finally learned how to do where laundry correctly who taught her? Well actually  her husband then explained, i actually got up early this morning and washed the windows.  
I guess what i got out of this is that I just need to focus on making myself better instead of judging others and worrying figuratively speaking about why they cant wash their laundry right when i cant even wash my own windows. 
I am currently enrolled in an Ed 242 class, otherwise known as motivation, and time management. In this class we learn how to help students become better. Except after class got out this morning i was kind of puzzled. all she did today was give example of things that don't motivate you, or others. For example gold stars or rewards only work for so long. what then does work? What makes someone want to keep going and succeed or be good for themselves with or without a reward? 
  • I guess that the question I have know? How can I help myself, and help others?T
Goal Progress!
Well, today I actually did end up doing something that checked off a goal for the month. I went to the temple this morning. it was a great experience. i found that in 3 Nephi chapter 18 there was a really good statement that expressed the power of prayer. I really have been struggling of late. I have a friend that isn't a member, and he isn't choosing the right basically. I really care for this kid, and after conference and the visit to the temple I know what I must do. I must continue to pray for him. However I must not lose myself in this battle. I just need to keep putting the lord first. i know that i cant change anyone, but maybe because of light he saw in me i can make a difference in his life. 
For starters I just want to say that in order to become all that i can be I have to motivate my self, and set goals for myself as well. in my opinion there are two kinds of goals short term, and long term. In order to accomplish these we also have to do certain things everyday. We have to strive and motivate ourselves everyday to do better and be better. This life is a test, and we have to work at it everyday. I want to share one of my favorite quotes form President Hinckley. 

Semester Goals!


1. Make sure that I attend all three meetings on Sunday. 

2. Read my scriptures daily 

3. Pray morning and night, and make sure to kneel. 

4. Put the Lord first. 

5. Attend the temple once a Month. 

6. Try and serve others. (Pray for service opportunities)

7. Love one another 

8. Count my Blessings daily. 


1. Get A's and B's

2. Start doing better about my homework, and studying times. 

3. Work really hard, and don't take phone with you into work.

4. Also I want you to work on having a positive attitude. 

5. Don't complain, and be Thankful for everything you have 


1. Exercise for 30 minutes each day. 

2. Take time to meditate and think without music just a quiet area. 

3. Eat healthy 

4. Drink lots of water. 

5. Keep taking Vitamins. 

    Chelsea Lott

    Hey Everyone like it says up at the top my name is Chelsea. I'm a junior attending BYU-I,Im  from IdahoFalls. I love doing anything especially if it's done outside. I like to go Fishing, camping, snowmobiling, dirt biking. You name it, and Im game to do it. I Love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and also love my family very much! They mean the world to me don't know where I would be without them.  


    December 2013
    November 2013
    October 2013

