I am currently enrolled in an Ed 242 class, otherwise known as motivation, and time management. In this class we learn how to help students become better. Except after class got out this morning i was kind of puzzled. all she did today was give example of things that don't motivate you, or others. For example gold stars or rewards only work for so long. what then does work? What makes someone want to keep going and succeed or be good for themselves with or without a reward? 
  • I guess that the question I have know? How can I help myself, and help others?T
Goal Progress!
Well, today I actually did end up doing something that checked off a goal for the month. I went to the temple this morning. it was a great experience. i found that in 3 Nephi chapter 18 there was a really good statement that expressed the power of prayer. I really have been struggling of late. I have a friend that isn't a member, and he isn't choosing the right basically. I really care for this kid, and after conference and the visit to the temple I know what I must do. I must continue to pray for him. However I must not lose myself in this battle. I just need to keep putting the lord first. i know that i cant change anyone, but maybe because of light he saw in me i can make a difference in his life. 

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    Chelsea Lott

    Hey Everyone like it says up at the top my name is Chelsea. I'm a junior attending BYU-I,Im  from IdahoFalls. I love doing anything especially if it's done outside. I like to go Fishing, camping, snowmobiling, dirt biking. You name it, and Im game to do it. I Love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and also love my family very much! They mean the world to me don't know where I would be without them.  


    December 2013
    November 2013
    October 2013

